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About euro cb oceanic mk 3

MessagePosté: Mer 5 Nov 2014 09:22
par bassturbin

I have euro cb oceanic mk3 cb radio (4watt) and, I want to increase the wattage, but not such a circuit or device anywhere,they say you can incerease watt at 12w... Can you help to me about this?

Re: About euro cb oceanic mk 3

MessagePosté: Mer 5 Nov 2014 12:27
par ramses II
who is speaking ?

Re: About euro cb oceanic mk 3

MessagePosté: Mer 5 Nov 2014 12:49
par bassturbin
ramses II a écrit:who is speaking ?

Sorry i cant add to here picture:

I found on the internet, talking about it in a few places ...

I opened new thread about this and have pictures:
